
Released in 1968, Anyone Can Play (also known as Le dolci signore) is an Italian comedy-drama film directed by Luigi Zampa. The film follows four sophisticated Roman women who, tired of their mundane lives, decide to embark on a night of adventure and sexual liberation.   

A Cast of Glamorous Stars

The film boasts a star-studded cast, including Ursula Andress, Virna Lisi, Claudine Auger, and Daniela Bianchi. These iconic actresses bring glamour and allure to their roles, portraying women who are both sophisticated and rebellious.   

A Satirical Look at Society

Anyone Can Play is not just a simple comedy but a satirical look at the societal expectations and constraints placed on women. The film challenges traditional gender roles and explores themes of female sexuality and desire.

A Stylish and Sophisticated Film

The film is renowned for its stylish visuals, elegant costumes, and stunning Roman settings. The cinematography captures the beauty and decadence of the Italian capital, creating a glamorous and sophisticated atmosphere.

A Timeless Classic

Despite being released decades ago, Anyone Can Play remains a timeless classic. Its witty dialogue, engaging characters, and stylish presentation continue to captivate audiences. The film’s exploration of themes of love, sex, and freedom is as relevant today as it was in the 1960s.